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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Telling Time

Telling Time has to be one of my favorite standards to teach each year!  
Here are some of the activities my kiddos did this week with Telling TIme.
One of my students working hard at elapse time.

Another student matching digital time/analog clock and then analyzing if it happened in the a.m./ or p.m.
We discussed events that happened in the a.m. and p.m..   
After the students did their sort they completed a cut and paste venn diagram. 

Once my students complete their math stations they grab a math game to play until math rotation ends.  Here is one of the board games in the   Telling Time Unit.  My students LOVED it.  They go around the game board until all the clocks are covered by a soccer ball.  

On Friday we made glyphs.  We labeled the soccer clock to the the hour and minutes.
On Thursday, we did the glyph part and recorded our answers.  
Then, my EA's precut all the pieces and put them in individual 
baggies.  On Friday we made the glyphs.  
I gave them their bag with the pieces they needed. Here is picture of what I gave each student.
As we were doing the craft I gave the students direction what to
 get out of their bag and glue on:
Once the soccer kid was made we created a soccer clock. 
 First, we labeled the hours and glued them on the soccer clock.
Then, we opened the tabs and labeled the minutes. (A clock in the packet is offered if you just want to do the hours with your students)
After the clock was made we glued it onto our soccer kids.
Finally, the students gave themselves a jersey number.  I didn't take a picture of the students doing this.  Here are the models I made before we did the glyphs so the students could refer too.
Here are the students glyph in the hallway.

The craft and printable's are available separately in my TPT store.  You can find them by clicking here 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Let the Games Begin!

This week has been extremely busy, I'm so thankful it's Friday!

Today, we started our Winter Olympics Unit! The Winter Olympics only comes every 4 years so my students are so excited to learn about each of the winter sports in the Olympics.  First, I showed them a powerpoint that introduced each of the games.  Then we watched a short you-tube video of each game.
After the powerpoint presentation we made a graph on our favorite sport in the Winter Olympics and then we made a Winter Athletes Glyph.  

My students had so much fun doing Around the Room with this theme.  Once they found each word they Rainbow Wrote each word.

I loved seeing how excited my students were with these math and literacy stations with the different sports in the winter!

  I didn't get a chance to take a picture, but after they put the puzzle pieces together, they used a flap-book in their journals to record their answers. 

Here are some of the math stations.


You can find these stations and Glyph in my Winter Games Unit.
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